Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We had our ultrasound yesterday.   The technician said I could drink just half the amount of water I did this time next time I come...oops :-)  We got to hear our little babies heartbeat.  Hearing that noise makes it so much more real and totally in love!  He/she was just a kicking his/her little legs.  Its hard to believe something inside of you, moving that much can't be felt!  The tech kept saying how strong the heartbeat was and how big of a belly he/she has!   His/her heart rate was 168 and he/she was almost 3.5 cm.  Josh asked if it was normal for a baby this young to have such a big head...she assured him it was ;-)  Keep on growing little one!  Here is a picture of a picture of our little one.  You can actually see the too little legs and feet sticking up. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ahhh Red

GM has ridiculous promotions right now, so I traded in my not even a year old car for this brand new one!  ANDDDD it's red!  My favorite color :-)

Monday, July 23, 2012

I think I can fit

I came into the living room and there sits Tazi in my Runners bag.  She tried to fit into the opening but the bag wasn't quite her size.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shhh we have a secret!

Today we confirmed what we thought to be true...we are having a baby!!!
We had been trying for 6 months and finally God blessed us with this little peanut :-)
I have not been feeling sick one bit.  I feel great :-)   If it weren't for that lil stick I would have never known.  Josh is really excited!!  We have 6.5 months to finish our house and grow into the parents we want to be for our new little addition.  Oh, just a little note we aren't sharing our news with the facebook world yet.  That will have to wait just a little longer.  The ultrasound photo (taken with our phone because it cannot print) was from a bedside ultrasound which are not very detailed, however, we could see its little heart just a beating!  Next Wed. we go for the in-depth wanna pee your pants one!  Our expected delivery date is February 17!  

Remember no facebook post just  yet :-)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Laker Pride Glide Shirt

Last year the Laker Pride Glide was in memory of my grandpa.  I designed the shirts recipients received.  This year I was asked to do the shirt in honor of Butch and Nova Jean because people like last years design so well!  Yeeeahh!  Here is the shirt thus far.  The key ingredient in my design...POPCORN!