Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our first baby shower gift

We received a very large/HEAVY package in the mail today.  Our first baby shower gift!!  It was sooo exciting!!  Thank you Uncle Danny, Aunt Mandy & McKenna!  We can't wait to set up the nursery now!!  Too bad there is alot of organizing before we can put the crib up :-)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


We had our second trimester ultra sound today!  I was sooo nervous the u/s tech would reveal the gender of our baby today but after seeing her lightning speed there was no chance of that happening.  Thank goodness, our little surprise is still a surprise!  The average heartbeat was 152.  The u/s tech said our little one is very photogenic...whatever that means when you are in a womb ;-)  She or he has very long femur bones.  They measured in a high percentile.  The u/s tech and dr both said this means a very long baby...we shall see in Feb!  She or he had larger feet to which prob are in proportion to the long legs.  The belly measured a week ahead...maybe he or she hadn't had their afternoon poop yet, ha ha.  He or she was moving, moving and moving.  The u/s tech teased and said it seems like we have a feisty baby...ohhh ooo look out mommy and daddy.  We even got to witness what our baby looks in 3D.  3D in an u/s is basically like claymation, so remember this when you view the picture and think wow that kid sure is lumpy.  Everything looked great.  We are VERY happy and this much more excited for February!!  *