Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby quit update

The baby quilt so far. I am thinking if I wanted a perfect quilt I should have started it a little sooner. I guess the baby will never know ;-)

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Josh finished building the headboard and installed the blinds in the baby's room today! The headboard looks awesome! He is such a good daddy building that for his baby :-)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Visiting day

It was a day of visiting. First we went to the clinic and got to pet Spanky! They even brought him out of his cage for us. He looks much better since we took him to the vet on Wednesday. He is still sooo very sick and everyday is a blessing. I pray for him 24/7 and can't stop thinking of him. I want him healthy...NOW! The second visit was to Covenant to see Lauren. She is doing awesome!! She is almost 28 weeks. Yeaaaah!! I surprised her with a Mani/pedi in he bed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The baby quilt so far...

We had a doctors appt today. I am not dilated yet but my cervix is thinning, YEAH! The baby's HR was 150. He or she was even breathing on his/her own!!! The doctor said that baby's don't even have to do that in the womb! He or she has lots of energy and great lungs to be able to do that! Go BABY, you overachiever! She/he was even biting her/his fingers...maybe not so much of an overachiever ;-) Knowing that the baby is taking breaths on its own makes me even more excited to meet him/her!!!

This is the baby's quilt so far.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

36 weeks

Only 4 more to go!!!
They start checking on Tuesday to see if I am dilated or effaced and my appointments switch to every week!  Yeah!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

New sewing machine

I finally had a chance to bust my new sewing machine out of the box (thanks Mom & Dad)! I am sooo excited to use it!! If you have not been to Catty Wampus in Caro, I highly recommend it! They have really nice prints and you are shopping local. The lady working there said if I ever get stuck on a project bring it in and she can help me :-) First project with the new sewing machine, Paris has a new pillow.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Best oranges ever

I was recently talking to my mom about these wonderful orange gems and low and behold as I was flipping through a magazine there was an ad for honeybell oranges. These are the best oranges I have ever had. My family received a box of them when I was in elementary and I remember their taste ever since. If you ever have the chance to try one, DO IT!

Friday, January 11, 2013

More reading material

I got to work and on my desk were these nice little surprises to read.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Did you rob the John Deere store?

I walked in the house tonight after work and noticed John Deere box after opened John Deere box. I looked further into the kitchen and noticed our cabinet had a few more extra pieces in it...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013

Happy New Year!! Next month baby Sherman comes, sooo excited!! I was eating a clementine today and noticed it said this...does it make me a kid if I am totally obsessed with these little orange guys? :-)