Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Blues

So sad Christmas is over :-(.  It went by way to quick.  I feel like every year I get the after Christmas Blues.  The anticipation of Christmas brings so much Joy and happiness to my heart.  It helps distract us from the not so good things in life.  Christmas Eve service lets us know there is Hope!  The decorations make our house a home.  It just feels so naked and boring without them.  So go cheer me up I decided to compare how much Mass has grew in a yeah.  Throwback to Christmas 2013 and now.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas cookies

Massey is talking away and so interactive.  It was a blast decorating cookies with him tonight.  His decorating skills crack me up.  Josh and I were teasing each other about eating the cookies Massey decorates.  Lets just say they are on a separate plate and several of the gingerbread men are now missing limbs.  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Eve is one week away

I am finally all caught up on my editing.  Yeah!  I decided to start my Christmas baking tonight, better late than never 😉
We had such a great time at Kim's wedding on 12.13.14!  She was such a beautiful bride.  Her night included a hot cocoa bar, FIREWORKS, Sugar High cake and a goodie bag for Massey.  How sweet!  So happy for Larry and her.  

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas countdown

Tomorrow is the first day of December.  I hope Mr. December decides to slow down! I want to be able to enjoy the most magical time of the year.  Oh and I am totally in love with my sweet boy.  He did exactly what I wanted him to do when I grabbed my camera.  Prop of the day for this photo, a painted step stool.  You never know when the multi colored ladder comes in handy.

Monday, November 24, 2014

So big

He looks so old with his latest haircut 😢 sidenote, he's so cuddley after his baths 💚

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ah the Mom in me

Tonight I was wrapping presents for Christmas Mini sessions and Massey wanted to help.  So I let him.  He used the entire roll of tape.  As hideous as it turned out I feel proud and don't want to throw out the wrap job.  He is growing up so fast.  Today he got his second hair cut.  He looks so old 😢. The beautician could not believe how well behaved he was.  I am convinced he was so relaxed that he could of fell sleep!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I wear my sun glasses

Massey is going to grow up and be a rich and famous actor...❤️ him!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The hat

Massey is obsessed with hats.  Straw hats, fire hats, etc.  You name it, he wants to wear it.  I LOVE that he loves them 😃

Monday, November 3, 2014

Three blind Mice

Good thing nice don't freak me out.  I feel like they are invading out house.  The joys of being surrounded by fields and not many trees.  Our cats have been working overtime in exterminating the problem creatures.  Not sure how but one managed to be in the laundry room toliet.  Josh's guess it's Lucee showed it her claws one at a time and told the mouse you can jump or I will deal with you.  The "barn" cats, Bear & Stella have now temporary relocated into the garage.  An hour after their relocation, they already had a mouse!  Ahhhhh.  Eek.  What's so wrong with being a crazy cat lady now 😉

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sherman Farms

I with the input from my customer (Josh) designed these logos for Josh's trucks!!  So exciting to see them printed! Massey checked out the combine and loved seeing it!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Little ladies

I remember picking these by the barn hill at Grandpa and Grandmas.  We would make pretty dolls out of the buds and skirts.  The flowers are so elegant.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Topsey Turvey

Well after receiving this three years ago I am finally putting it to the test!  Hoping it resembles The Land at Epcot, which I might add is one of my favorite things at Disney.  I would love to take the behind scenes tour!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kitty Fever

We have a big why not add some kitties to patrol the rodents!  ðŸ’›ðŸ’™

Monday, January 6, 2014


Massey watching Josh plow the drive the first time! 
Paris in her doggie snuggie.  Oh look she found a stick!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

White out

This winter has really lived up to its name.  Check out the view through our front windshield driving to get Massey.  Eek!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Nothing to exciting this New Year's Eve.  Just stayed home and ate...ate...ate.  Massey was running a slight fever and his patience for party hats was slim to none, LOL! New Year's resolutions:  Clean up house for at least 15 mins a day, log expenses to budget our mula, make a veggie with each dinner I prepare and start a 52 week Christmas Savings Acct.