Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Blues

So sad Christmas is over :-(.  It went by way to quick.  I feel like every year I get the after Christmas Blues.  The anticipation of Christmas brings so much Joy and happiness to my heart.  It helps distract us from the not so good things in life.  Christmas Eve service lets us know there is Hope!  The decorations make our house a home.  It just feels so naked and boring without them.  So go cheer me up I decided to compare how much Mass has grew in a yeah.  Throwback to Christmas 2013 and now.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas cookies

Massey is talking away and so interactive.  It was a blast decorating cookies with him tonight.  His decorating skills crack me up.  Josh and I were teasing each other about eating the cookies Massey decorates.  Lets just say they are on a separate plate and several of the gingerbread men are now missing limbs.  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Eve is one week away

I am finally all caught up on my editing.  Yeah!  I decided to start my Christmas baking tonight, better late than never 😉
We had such a great time at Kim's wedding on 12.13.14!  She was such a beautiful bride.  Her night included a hot cocoa bar, FIREWORKS, Sugar High cake and a goodie bag for Massey.  How sweet!  So happy for Larry and her.