Saturday, May 30, 2015

My first purchase

I went shopping with my sister today.  Meijer had 40% off Carter clothing.  Up until now I haven't purchased anything for the little mister.  I was scared that if I did something would go horribly wrong and I would have reminders everywhere.  My sister noticed some adorable onesies and encouraged me to buy them.  I placed them in my cart and the entire time I was questioning if I should be buying them. I did and I feel good about it, even a little more excited about our little mister.  I think it's one step in the right direction.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fun outside

I had so much fun hanging out with these guys today.  I love how Noah entertains Massey so I can check some things off my to do list.  They even did a great job taking turns riding the gator.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

First tractor ride of the season

Today Mass and I rode with Josh while he was planting.  Massey has been anti tractor rides so I was pleasantly surprised when he initiated the tractor ride.  Great grandpa Sherman parked his truck close to the field and walked closer to watch Josh farm.  I remember grandpa Murdoch parking near fields to watch the equipment after he no longer farmed. It's nice to have someone in our lives that reminds me of him.

Monday, May 4, 2015

A whale?

Here I am pregnant on the left with the little mister and pregnant on the right with Massey.  Only a week difference in the photo.  I will be 22 weeks on Thursday.  I am really hoping this doesn't mean a bigger baby!