Sunday, February 26, 2012


I have had a cold for the last week.  I came home from a busy day of work, nose so plugged that it was hard to talk and sound like I was actually saying a word.   My day was made much better when to my surprise Josh had Chicken Noodle Soup waiting for me (He went grocery shopping too!).

I also wanted to share something that the pastor at Caro UMC said today.  He was talking about giving up things for lent and he said that you end up focusing sooo much on that particular thing it makes it even harder then it should be.  He said why not try taking on something instead of giving up.   A couple of examples he gave were to write 40 letters to people who you appreciate, do 40 acts of kindness or if you really want to give up something such as food, donate the amount of that food you would normally eat to charity...or the amount of money it would cost to purchase that food.  I really like his idea of taking something up...never thought of doing that :-)

1 comment:

  1. Glad your post is back! Feel better soon! Good points in the sermon. Very interesting!
