Friday, February 8, 2013

False alarm

Last night I was having some pretty bad cramping going on in my lower abdomen. I woke up this morning and didn't feel like the baby was moving after I ate like he/she normally does. Needless to say it made me a little paranoid so Josh and I decided to drive on the horribly snowy/icy roads to the hospital. We got there and my contractions intensified! I was having them every 3-4 minutes and sometimes every 2-3! I felt like my ribs were going to crack! They assured me they wouldn't ;-). We thought for sure we were going to meet our little baby soon! Unfortunately I wasn't gaining on the dilation. Booo. So home with contractions I went. Fortunately they have let up...or maybe that is unfortunate because that means labor isn't progressing lol. Now we really can't wait to meet our little baby!!

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