Sunday, July 19, 2015

A very delayed update

I completely forgot to post after our 28 week u/s.  We had to have another u/s at 28 weeks because of a lowline placenta. Great news the placenta moved up to over 5cm!  Yeah :-)  The u/s tech informed us that we have a rather large baby.  He was measuring almost 1w6d ahead in his size.  He weighed 3 lbs 4 ounces already.  I guess this is heavy, lol.  She wanted us to have another u/s to see his size.  We waited to meet with the doctor kinda worried that we may have an elephant on our hands.  The doctor told us the u/s looked great and the only reason to have another u/s would be to see if I wanted to push out a larger baby. We said "no thanks" and she laughed.  She told us that the road has been paved by Massey ;-). eek! She also said that the larger babies eat better and sleeping longer so I guess this isn't too bad. Haha.  She said that we shouldn't expect anything less than an 8lb baby! So on the that note...being on our big boy 💙 and we will see how accurate that u/s is 😉

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