Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day

My day consists of a Big Brother/Big Sisters Bowling Fundraiser for work.  I can't remember the last time I bowled.  My break 100.  I think my highest score ever was only 160 and that was a fluke.   When I was in elementary school, on saturday mornings you could participate in basketball and bowling.  I was scheduled to play basketball first at the Pigeon Elementary gym then after was bowling at the Dutch Kettle.  I loved the bowling part the best!  It always included a basket of french fries that were oh soo yummy. 

In honor of St. Patty's Day I painted my nails green and found an awesome pinterest idea.  You take newspaper and make a temporary tattoo kinda thing for your nails.  I thought this was fitting since I work for the newspaper and that's who is bowling.  I also made green pancakes :-)

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