We had our anatomy u/s today at 18w6d. I was a bunch of nerves going in. I kept experiencing crying episodes thinking about what Becky went through. I got to decide with the first pregnancy if we were going to find out the gender. I chose for it to be a surprise. Josh got to choose this time, so today at our u/s we found out we were having a boy. First thing we witnessed on the screen was the penis, lol. Fun little fact boys can have erections in utero. Eek! Lol. She said we are going to have our hands full. The baby is super active and fiesty. She said he's going to give big brother a run for the money and be a sports star. Haha! His belly was measuring almost two weeks ahead of schedule and the rest of him was about a week. She said he sure likes to eat! I think she said he weighs 11 ounces. She asked Josh and I which side the big babies comes from and neither of us were big babies so we have no clue. Good news is
his head was measuring just a week ahead. She said if his head was measuring like his belly we would be in trouble, eek! His HR was 161. Very strong and fast HR. Yeah. He kept putting his hand up in the high five position and showing his little feet. We could see all the tiny bones in his hands. I never thought seeing his open hands would mean so much to me. We also think he looks like Massey. My placenta was a 2.9cm from the cervix and they like it to be 3cm. The tech said most of the time it will move up and she said its nothing to worry about. We will receive another u/s at 28-34 weeks just to check and if it hasn't moved up we will schedule a c-sec. Thank you God for being with us today and with this baby and Abbie for watching over her cousin. 💙
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