Wednesday, April 8, 2015

One week

In one week we have our anatomy scan ultrasound.  I will be 18w6d at the u/s. No am scared...scared that our baby will have the fate that Abbie did.  Holding Abbie and watching my sister experience what it feels like to lose her daughter is horrific to me.  I am praying so hard that our baby is healthy.  The healthy that most moms don't think about when going through pregnancy.  You always want a healthy baby but even when you think of the chance of an unhealthy child you don't usually focus on the fact your almost full term baby might be an angel before she is born.  I am scared.  I know I'm not as strong as my sister.  I am afraid what they might tell us, what we might see on the u/s screen.  Ugh.  I just want our baby to be okay. 

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