Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's all about the Benjamins Baby

Today was a long day at work.   I worked 12 hours which is a first for me as a Graphic Designer.  It went by really fast...almost too fast for the amount of ads we still have to do before our deadlines tomorrow!  My desk was covered with ad upon ad and it was hard to stay on task.  8:00 pm came and I decided enough was enough for the day.  I went to go down the stairs and it was pitch dark.  My co-worker out of habit prob turned off the lights.  Well let me be the first to tell you...our building is scary at night.  Its three levels and old.  It cracks and it creeks and there are a million doors not to mention two stair cases.  In fact someone once told me they think its haunted by one of the old printers!  Not fun things to think about when you are by yourself!

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