Monday, January 16, 2012

A living Christmas tree

First of all, let me apologize at the quality of this image.  It was taken with my camera phone.  This year I decided instead of chopping a tree down aka killing it, we were going to have a living Christmas tree.  Aren't all Christmas trees  Ours was dug, this included a burlap ball.  It weighed well over 100 lbs before being watered.  How did we keep it watered?  Good question, funny answer.  In the summer we fill a cheap blue plastic kitty pool with water...apparently when I purchased this pool I took two!  OOPS!  Well it worked out in our favor (of course it did you got two for the price of one) because the extra pool became our pool for the tree.  I only had to water the living Christmas tree for about a week and that filled the pool enough, allowing the tree to drink on its own.  The tree is now planted in our yard (it marks our first Christmas in our house) :-) thanks to Dad, Mom and Josh...(I think Becky made sure the cats didn't try to run out so she should be including into that thanks, lol).  Oh it should prob be noted that the kitty's thought this was a giant water bowl made just for them.

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